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Game MiniFizz
Minifizz - Entertainment for Girls from Flow

"Often with this sort of exhibition the content provided by companies varies only in a slightest degree. However one content provider that looks to have hit upon an original notion is MiniFizz" -- MobileNews

Link-U works in tight collaboration with the Belgian company Flow, creator and owner of the well-known Minifizz brand. Mobile Entertainment for girls has finally arrived and it is powered by the technology developed by Link-U.

By using the long-time J2ME know-how from Link-U, Flow could get it's products ready for market in a short time. As the Minifizz Phenomenon expands, Link-u wil keep being a strategic partner for Brussels' based Flow. At Link-U we are proud to provide the engines that allow the creativity of the Minifizz Team to overcome all technical limitations and deliver a true gaming experience to girls worldwide.

Minifizz Mission

Enter the adventure in real time on your phone!
  Minifizz Avenue
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More info coming soon, meanwhile you can visit Official Minifizz Website